屋外でも使えるタイプシルバーツヤ消しフィルム/材質:ポリエステルフィルム/標準総厚み:0.15mm/ラベル厚み:0.08mm A418面備品・表示用/シートサイズ:A4判(210mm×297mm)/ラベルサイズ:80mm×30mm(2列×9段) 対応プリンタ:レーザーコピー手書き The type silver mat film / materials which are usable outdoors: Polyester film / as standard equipment total thickness: 0.15mm/ label thickness: 0.08mm / sheet size for A418 side equipment the indication: A4 size (210mm *297mm) / label size: 80mm *30mm (two lines of *9 step) A correspondence printer: A laser copy is handwritten
The type silver mat film / materials which are usable outdoors: Polyester film / as standard equipment total thickness: 0.15mm/ label thickness: 0.08mm
/ sheet size for A418 side equipment the indication: A4 size (210mm *297mm) / label size: 80mm *30mm (two lines of *9 step)
A correspondence printer: A laser copy is handwritten